Are you experiencing an end-of-summer slump?

Self Care
August 22, 2024

As summer draws to a close and the summer holidays come to an end, many of us might find ourselves battling a less-than-enthusiastic mindset. The end-of-summer slump is a phenomenon that can leave us feeling unmotivated, disheartened, or simply uninspired.

With the festive atmosphere of long days and outdoor activities fading, it’s natural to experience a shift in your mood and motivation levels.

Understand the Slump:

First, it is important to recognise that back-to-school feeling kicks in (no matter what your age!). This transitional period can bring feelings of nostalgia for summer adventures, combined with the pressure of impending deadlines and responsibilities. The contrast between leisurely summer days and the fast-paced autumn can be jarring, leading to a significant drop in motivation. You are not the only one.

Embrace the Seasonal Change:

Rather than resisting the transition, try and embrace it. Autumn brings with it its own unique charm and opportunities. It’s a time for harvest, reflection and preparation for the months ahead. Leaning into this seasonal change can allow you to appreciate what autumn can offer - from beautiful autumn colours, to comforting seasonal recipes and new routines. Taking time to appreciate the new season can foster a more positive outlook for you.  

Picture what you wish for:

With summer activities winding down, now is an excellent time to set yourself some new goals. Often the Autumn feels like a new school year.  Consider using this period to rethink your objectives and align them with your passions and interests. Whether that's focusing on personal development, starting a new hobby, fitness routine or even tackling a project you've shelved (it might be as simple as that cupboard you’ve been meaning to sort out!), setting tangible goals can give you a renewed sense of purpose. Break these goals down into smaller, actionable steps, making them feel more manageable and less daunting.

Establish a Routine:

One of the best ways to combat a slump is to establish a daily routine, which summer for its many reasons often takes away from us due to the sense of freedom it brings with it. Returning to a structured day can enhance our productivity and motivation. Whether this is setting specific work hours, dedicating time to exercise, or scheduling moments for relaxation, a routine can help to create balance in your life. Incorporating activities that energise and uplift you (and act as your glimmers!) can do wonders for your mood, this might be; reading, taking up creative hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, you’ve found difficult to see over the busier summer months.

Connect with Nature:

As the weather cools down, getting outside might be the last thing on your mind but connecting with nature can be rejuvenating - I know I bang on about this!. Autumn offers crisp air and breathtaking landscapes that are perfect for walking, jogging, or simply enjoying a quiet moment outside. Try to incorporate regular outdoor activities into your weekly agenda; fresh air can help clear your mind, elevate your mood, and spark creativity.

Seek Inspiration:

If you're feeling uninspired or a bit lost, don't hesitate to look for external influences. Engaging with books, podcasts, or films that resonate with you can help reignite your motivation. On top of this, surround yourself with motivating individuals and communities - this can be a game-changer.

Feeling the end-of-summer slump is normal, but it doesn’t have to dictate your mood or motivation levels. By embracing the change, setting new goals, establishing routines, connecting with nature and seeking inspiration, you can transform this transitional period into a time of growth and renewal. Remember, every season has something special to offer—so take a deep breath, and welcome the autumn with open arms.
