How do I know if my child needs therapy?

May 14, 2024

There are no hard and fast rules about the 'right' time to seek therapy for your child. It might be that you just see them struggling and feel some help from a therapist would be useful and that's great! If you are more conflicted and trying to work out 'is this just normal or should I get help' ask yourself these questions to guide you: has this made life unmanageable? Are there things that your child or you as a family can't do due to your childs struggles?

- Has there been a big change in behaviour/mood/sleep or food?

- Are there significant difficulties socially/academically?

- If your child is old enough to understand do they want some help?  

- If your child point blank refuses therapy would you be open to getting some support yourselves as parents/caregivers?

If any of the above are 'yes' then it might be a good idea to consider therapy! And I say this with the recognition that that is easier said than done due to availability and expense.
