The long arm of trauma. Trauma can remain in our bodies for decades.

Self Care
July 3, 2024

Trauma can linger in our bodies and minds for decades, often remaining unacknowledged until it disrupts our emotional and physical well-being. Here I will delve into the profound implications of trauma and how emotional numbness can serve as a protective barrier, ultimately hindering the healing process. By understanding the nature of trauma and the avenues available for recovery, individuals can begin their journey toward reclaiming their emotional lives.

The Protective Mechanism of Emotional Numbness: 

The brain has an extraordinary ability to protect itself from pain, which is evident in its response to trauma. When individuals experience overwhelming distress, the brain may shut down emotional responses, leading to a state of emotional numbness. This detachment can help cope with immediate pain and suffering, but when it becomes a chronic response, it poses significant challenges.

Emotional numbness can be insidious and debilitating; it shields individuals from acute pain but also prevents them from fully engaging with their emotions. While this mechanism may provide temporary relief, it ultimately obstructs the essential healing process. Overcoming emotional blunting is crucial for trauma recovery, as it enables individuals to reconnect with their feelings, process their experiences, and embark on a path toward healing.

Acknowledging Trauma - the first step: 

The journey of healing trauma begins with acknowledging its existence and understanding its role in one’s life. Acceptance becomes the first step toward reclaiming emotional well-being. Recognising that trauma is not just a memory but an ongoing influence can empower individuals to confront their pain and take steps toward recovery. By engaging with the trauma, individuals can break free from the grip of emotional numbness and start to rediscover their emotional selves. The willingness to face difficult feelings is a courageous act that marks the beginning of a transformative healing process.

Pathways to healing - Several approaches can facilitate emotional reconnection and foster healing from trauma:

  1. Therapy - Therapy provides a safe space for individuals to explore their emotions and thoughts related to trauma. A qualified therapist can help identify and challenge negative thought patterns that perpetuate emotional numbness. Through various therapeutic techniques, individuals can learn to reframe their thoughts, gradually re-engaging with their emotions in a controlled and supportive manner. Therapy empowers trauma survivors to process their experiences actively.
  2. Group Therapy - Group therapy can be a profoundly liberating experience for those dealing with trauma. Sharing one’s story within a supportive environment fosters a sense of community and understanding. The connection with others who have faced similar struggles can combat the isolation often experienced after trauma. Through connection and validation, individuals can find solace and encouragement, aiding their recovery journey.
  3. EMDR - EMDR is a specialised therapeutic technique designed to help individuals release stored trauma from their bodies. This method encourages mindfulness, allowing individuals to stay present and observe their thoughts and feelings without judgment. EMDR can facilitate a profound emotional reconnection, enabling individuals to process their trauma at a deeper level, ultimately promoting healing.
  4. Self Compassion - Practicing self-compassion is vital in the healing process. It involves treating oneself with kindness and understanding, especially during moments of pain or failure. By embracing self-compassion, individuals can cultivate a nurturing internal environment that supports emotional healing. This practice encourages individuals to acknowledge their suffering without judgment and to nurture their emotional needs, fostering a stronger foundation for recovery.

The long arm of trauma can keep individuals ensnared in emotional numbness for years, but the path to healing is not only possible; it is within reach. By acknowledging trauma, engaging in therapeutic practices, and embracing self-compassion, individuals can take significant steps toward reclaiming their emotional lives. Through these pathways, it is possible to transform pain into healing and discover a renewed sense of self that embraces both joy and sorrow, ultimately leading to a fulfilling life beyond trauma.
